Useful bookmarklets

A bookmarklet is a fragment of javascript code converted into a URL and used as a bookmark; when clicked, the javascript performs some useful function on the current web page.

Any changes made by the bookmarklet are temporary, and will disappear when you reload the page.

Drag the links to your bookmarks menu or toolbar, for easy access.

ContEd Moodle-specific
Bookmarklet Notes Updated
Get XML Sys build info in Moodle
Short courses: Set file types (M3.5+) Set default assignment accepted file types for short courses. 2019-10-24
MASS: Set file types (M3.5+) Set default assignment accepted file types for MASS courses. 2018-05-21
Open all reveals Open all reveals in a Moodle Book page.
Get page reference Show page title, breadcrumb trail, and URL, for easy reference to a page 2019-11-14
Number paragraphs Might occasionally work outside of Moodle, but generally will not. 2019-11-12
Bookmarklet Notes Updated
SiTS: ContEd referees Auto-fill a bunch of form fields.
Bookmarklet Notes Updated
Get canonical Get the best link for a page, when available.
Number rows Add a column with row numbers to any tables.
Linked images Open all linked images in a new page.
Encode current address.

Show an alert with the address of the loaded page encoded via encodeURI and encodeURIComponent.

If your browser doesn't allow copying the alert text, close it then hit the F12 key, and you should be able to copy fro the JS console.

Many more bookmarklets are available from Jesse Ruderman's bookmarklet pages.